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December 25, 2019 One December, over twenty years ago, I was taking a break from a long afternoon of Christmas shopping. ... Read More
December 19, 2019 Among my all-time favourite movies is It’s a Wonderful Life. I watch it every year to get me into the... Read More
December 12, 2019 Christmas is coming and Charlie, a four-year-old black cat is about to spend his second yuletide in the care... Read More
December 5, 2019 “Harmful crimes are committed every day in the one place that everyone is entitled to feel safe –... Read More
November 28, 2019 Sentient ˈsentiənt/ (usually before noun): able to see or feel things through the senses. Early 17th... Read More
November 21, 2019 I guess I live in a bit of an animal welfare “bubble.”  You see, it never occurred to me that in... Read More
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