Our Blog

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July 26, 2019 New York State just joined most of Western Europe, the U.K. and Australia in banning the declawing of cats,... Read More
August 1, 2019 Helen Keller is one of my heroes. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Ms. Keller, she was an author,... Read More
August 8, 2019 I am well aware that many people associate the Ottawa Humane Society solely with dogs and cats.  Though... Read More
August 15, 2019 You probably won’t be surprised that many of the animals that need the care of the Ottawa Humane Society... Read More
August 22, 2019 Over two days last week, a bulldozer-like machine ripped through the land neighbouring the Ottawa Humane... Read More
August 29, 2019 “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”Nelson Mandela Four years... Read More
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