Our Blog

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Julie Laporte with a dog
November 3, 2023 In just a few hours, my colleagues and I will be burning the midnight oil to provide spay and neuter... Read More
February 7, 2019 Accreditation is not sexy. It’s not “fun.” It’s something that occurs in the background. But if you... Read More
April 15, 2021 The Ottawa Humane Society is a long-time advocate of keeping cats indoors, unless safe in a “catio” or on... Read More
February 24, 2022 I heard years ago that the foundation of the U.S. Marines’ code of honour is never to lie, cheat or steal.... Read More
April 11, 2019 The OHS reported last month that, with 27 days’ notice, the Ontario Society for the Prevention of... Read More
December 22, 2023 When the pandemic struck Canada in 2020, the number of animals in our care severely dipped as we focused on... Read More
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