June 4, 2015
I’m Sorry to Remind You
I don’t know about you, but I am already getting a bit of anxiety that the summer is going to disappear before I know it.
You know the feeling: you feel like you go to bed in June and you wake up and its Labour Day.
All to say, fall comes quickly. It almost hurts to think to September. But in September comes the most important event of the year for Ottawa’s animals: the Wiggle Waggle Walkathon. To ensure that the OHS can be here for the more than 10,000 animals that will need our care this year, abused, neglected, sick and injured animals need you to think of September now.
So much of what we do for the animals is possible only with the proceeds of the Wiggle Waggle Walkathon. Please register now. Start collecting pledges. Put together you team. And especially help us get the word out.
And thank you for spending a few minutes this spring thinking about this fall.
Tell all your friends about the Wiggle Waggle Walkathon on social media!
Bruce Roney
OHS Executive Director