September 10, 2020

You Can Always Give Kindness

You can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness.

Anne Frank

Kindness. It seems from almost nowhere in the past year or so, that word has suddenly become a buzz word. I see it everywhere. Sometimes I think it is real and sincere, but sometimes it just seems to be used to sell running shoes or cereal.

The pervasiveness of the word and the sentiment has clearly caught my attention, though. I think about it much more. I am starting to see it as a kind of antidote to all the terrible things happening in the world right now. So, I am trying to be truly kind, or at least kinder.

What I have discovered along the way is that it doesn’t really work to just appear more kind, that is, hold my tongue when I am annoyed, or make a small compliment that I mightn’t have made in the past. I have discovered that I have to think kind thoughts. Cut me off on the road or in the supermarket? You must have been in more of a hurry than I am. Someone doesn’t get back to me? They must be going through something. Which of my friends are more likely to be depressed through the isolation of the health crisis? Send them flowers. To be truthful, it’s a bit of a struggle, but I am trying.

It helps that I work in a place of kindness, with people who are compassionate and loving. Ottawa Humane Society staff, volunteers and donors are all committed to kindness, caring and giving to help others — and that motivates me.

So, I want to thank you for that particular kindness to me.   

Bruce Roney
President & CEO

P.S. Speaking of kindness, several OHS donors have banded together to match your kindness as a part of our Day of Giving this Sunday – the usual date of the now cancelled Wiggle Waggle Walk and Run. They want to amplify your kindness toward Ottawa’s animals by tripling your new PAW monthly gift for a year. Please consider putting your kindness into action.