Dog History Form Dog History Form Owner InformationYou need to surrender your pet to the OHS because: * Required Moving and unable to bring pet (please provide moving date below) Cost of having a pet Pet is injured/ill (please provide more information below) Pet is aggressive Behaviour issue Too many animals Not enough time Pet is house soiling Other (please provide more information below) Prefer not to say Are you surrendering your pet for end of life care (humane euthanasia)? * Required Yes No Please share your moving date. * RequiredPlease share details of your pet's injury or illness. * RequiredPlease share the reason you are considering surrendering your pet to the OHS. * RequiredYour Name * Required First Last Email * Required Phone Number * Required Address * Required City * Required Province * RequiredONQCPostal Code * Required Information About Your PetName * Required Age * Required Gender * RequiredFemale (spayed)Male (neuter)Female (unaltered)Male (unaltered)LitterNot SureHow many puppies are in the litter? * Required Breed * Required Do you know of any past or current medical conditions? If yes, what are they? * RequiredIs your pet currently on medication? If yes, please specify. * RequiredIs your pet currently on a special diet? If yes, please specify. * RequiredWhat is the name of your pet's veterinarian? Your Pet's HistoryHow long have you owned your pet? (Number of years, months, etc.) * Required How did you acquire your pet? * Required Ottawa Humane Society Found them outside Pet Store Friend or relative Online Placement Group An animal shelter that wasn't the Ottawa Humane Society Breeder Please share the name of the animal shelter, placement group or breeder. * Required You live in the: * Required City (urban area) Suburbs Country What is your home environment like (number of people, quiet, active, etc.)? * RequiredIs there anything else we should know about your home environment?How is your dog around children? * RequiredComfortable around active childrenComfortable around calm childrenHas never interacted with childrenNervous around childrenEnjoys attentionAre children regularly in your house with your dog? * Required Yes No What are the ages of children who are regularly in the house with your dog? * Required What animals has your dog lived with? * Required No other animals Dogs (Male) Dogs (Female) Dogs (Male and Female) Cats (Male) Cats (Female) Cats (Male and Female) Other Please share other species of animals your dog has lived with. * Required Your Pet's BehaviourHow does your dog react to familiar people? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to familiar men? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to familiar women? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to familiar children? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to new people? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to new men? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to new women? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to new children? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to familiar dogs? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to familiar cats? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to familiar small domestic animals? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to new dogs? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to new cats? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to new small domestic animals? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveDoes your dog try to chase any of the following? * Required Joggers Cyclists Skateboarders Roller bladers Cars Motorcycles Squirrels Outdoor cats Children Dogs Other None of the above What does your dog try to chase? * Required When playing, does your dog: * Required Jump Growl Bark Grab clothing Bite lightly Bite hard None of the above Is there anything your dog is afraid of? * RequiredWhat best describes your dog's personality? * Required Friendly Shy Independent Fearful Anxious Sensitive Confident Aloof Playful Aggressive Lethargic Affectionate Excitable How many times do you take your dog for a walk each day? * RequiredHow many hours total does your dog go for a walk each day? * RequiredDo you exercise your dog in any other way? * Required Dog Park Doggy Daycare Swimming Other How else do you exercise your dog? * RequiredWhat training methods do you use? * Required None Punishment Positive Reinforcement Professional Help How does your dog usually react to being hugged? * RequiredNever triedEnjoysAllowsAfraidPuppy mouthing (lightly biting)Shows teeth/growlsSnapsBites hardNo reactionHow does your dog usually react to being bathed? * RequiredNever triedEnjoysAllowsAfraidPuppy mouthing (lightly biting)Shows teeth/growlsSnapsBites hardNo reactionHow does your dog usually react to being brushed? * RequiredNever triedEnjoysAllowsAfraidPuppy mouthing (lightly biting)Shows teeth/growlsSnapsBites hardNo reactionHow does your dog usually react to having their paws wiped? * RequiredNever triedEnjoysAllowsAfraidPuppy mouthing (lightly biting)Shows teeth/growlsSnapsBites hardNo reactionHow does your dog usually react to having their nails trimmed? * RequiredNever triedEnjoysAllowsAfraidPuppy mouthing (lightly biting)Shows teeth/growlsSnapsBites hardNo reactionHow does your dog usually react to visiting the veterinarian? * RequiredNever triedEnjoysAllowsAfraidPuppy mouthing (lightly biting)Shows teeth/growlsSnapsBites hardNo reactionHow does your dog usually react to visiting the groomer? * RequiredNever triedEnjoysAllowsAfraidPuppy mouthing (lightly biting)Shows teeth/growlsSnapsBites hardNo reactionDoes your dog urinate and defecate outside? * Required Yes No, they are paper trained No Does your dog urinate or defecate in the house? * Required Yes No How often? * Required Daily Once or twice a week Once or twice a month Is it only urination or defecation? * Required Urination only Defecation only Both Does it only happen when they are home alone? * Required Yes No How long is your dog left alone each day? * Required Never One (1) to three (3) hours Four (4) to eight (8) hours Nine (9) to twelve (12) hours More than twelve (12) hours Where is your dog when they are left alone? * Required Outdoors Free in the house Confined to a room In a crate My dog is never alone When alone, does your dog show any of these behaviours? * Required Whining Foams at the mouth Shakes and trembles Barking Urinates Excessive scratching Howling Defecates Damages personal items Panic screams Vomits Damages furniture Self mutilates (chews/bites at self) Injures themselves attempting to escape Chews at windows/doors None of the above How long has your dog been showing the behaviour? * Required Did any changes happen around the time the behaviour started? * Required Changed work schedule Family vacation Divorce New baby Children back at school New pet Moved or changed living arrangements Renovations Other There were no changes What change happened when the behaviour started? * Required Have you tried to crate train your dog? * Required Yes, successfully Yes, unsuccessfully No Have you taken any steps to change your dog's behaviour? * Required Basic obedience training Dog walker Punishment Private training or consultation Doggie Daycare Confinement Book or internet research Consultation with veterinarian Baby gate Video/audio monitoring Medication Other None What steps have you taken to change your dog's behaviour? * RequiredWhich method helped your dog the most and which method helped the least?Can your dog stay outside in your yard without anxiety? * Required Yes No I don't know Has your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house petting them or touching their food bowl while eating? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house petting them or touching their bone, rawhide, pig's ear or other treat? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house petting or touching them while your dog has a stolen food item? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house petting or touching them while your dog has a stolen object? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house petting or touching them while your dog has a toy? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house petting or touching them while your dog is sleeping? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house pushing or pulling your dog off of furniture? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house approaching your dog while they are next to another family member? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a stranger approaching a family member? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a stranger approaching the yard or house? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a stranger entering the house? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a stranger approaching a vehicle your dog is in? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a dog or cat approaching any resource (food, bone, bed, etc.)? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a dog or cat approaching a family member? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a dog or cat approaching the yard or house? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever had an aggressive response towards a person? * Required Yes No What is their aggressive response? * Required Barking Growling Lunging Snapping/Biting Has your dog shown aggressive behaviour more than once? * Required Yes No How often does your dog show aggressive behaviour? * Required A couple times Monthly Weekly Daily Multiple times each day Does your dog react this way towards all unfamiliar people in any setting? * Required Yes No Does your dog require management/confinement around unfamiliar people? * Required Yes No Please describe the confinement or management: * RequiredHow long does your dog take to warm up to unfamiliar people? * Required Has your dog ever bitten or nipped a person? * Required Yes No How many times has your dog bitten or nipped a person? * RequiredHas your dog ever had an aggressive response towards a dog? * Required Yes No What is their aggressive response? * Required Barking Growling Lunging Snapping/Biting Does your dog show aggression to other dogs while on and off leash? * Required Yes No Does your dog react this way towards all dogs/in all settings? * Required Yes No Has your dog shown aggression more than once? * Required Yes No How often has your dog shown aggression? * Required A couple times Monthly Weekly Daily Multiple times every day Has your dog ever been in a fight with another dog? * Required Yes No Where did the fight happen and did your dog start the fight? * Required Has your dog been in more than one fight? * Required Yes No How many fights has your dog been in? * RequiredDoes your dog require management/confinement around other dogs? * Required Yes No Please describe the confinement or management needed: * RequiredHas your dog ever bitten or nipped another dog? * Required Yes No How many times has your dog bitten or nipped another dog? * RequiredI understand that some animals have medical or behaviour issues that make them difficult or impossible to rehome, and the OHS will not adopt out any animal believed to be a public safety risk. Additionally, some animals become highly stressed in a shelter environment, which makes them more susceptible to illness and, despite aggressive veterinary treatment, unlikely to recover from such illness. The OHS will not keep an animal in a state of suffering when their prognosis is poor or when the OHS lacks the resources to restore the animal’s health. I understand that these animals will be humanely euthanized by caring, professional staff. The OHS does not humanely euthanize healthy, adoptable animals regardless of length of stay or lack of space. * Required I agree I understand that I will need to provide proof of ownership for the animal being surrendered, such as City of Ottawa registration, a bill of sale, a receipt from my veterinary clinic, or photos. * Required I agree I understand that I will need to provide a piece of photo identification for myself at the surrender appointment. * Required I agree Is there any additional information you would like to share about your pet?If possible, please provide your pet's veterinary records.Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 8 MB.If possible, please provide a photo of your pet. (JPEG format)Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 8 MB.UntitledFirst ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird Choice Δ
Dog History Form Owner InformationYou need to surrender your pet to the OHS because: * Required Moving and unable to bring pet (please provide moving date below) Cost of having a pet Pet is injured/ill (please provide more information below) Pet is aggressive Behaviour issue Too many animals Not enough time Pet is house soiling Other (please provide more information below) Prefer not to say Are you surrendering your pet for end of life care (humane euthanasia)? * Required Yes No Please share your moving date. * RequiredPlease share details of your pet's injury or illness. * RequiredPlease share the reason you are considering surrendering your pet to the OHS. * RequiredYour Name * Required First Last Email * Required Phone Number * Required Address * Required City * Required Province * RequiredONQCPostal Code * Required Information About Your PetName * Required Age * Required Gender * RequiredFemale (spayed)Male (neuter)Female (unaltered)Male (unaltered)LitterNot SureHow many puppies are in the litter? * Required Breed * Required Do you know of any past or current medical conditions? If yes, what are they? * RequiredIs your pet currently on medication? If yes, please specify. * RequiredIs your pet currently on a special diet? If yes, please specify. * RequiredWhat is the name of your pet's veterinarian? Your Pet's HistoryHow long have you owned your pet? (Number of years, months, etc.) * Required How did you acquire your pet? * Required Ottawa Humane Society Found them outside Pet Store Friend or relative Online Placement Group An animal shelter that wasn't the Ottawa Humane Society Breeder Please share the name of the animal shelter, placement group or breeder. * Required You live in the: * Required City (urban area) Suburbs Country What is your home environment like (number of people, quiet, active, etc.)? * RequiredIs there anything else we should know about your home environment?How is your dog around children? * RequiredComfortable around active childrenComfortable around calm childrenHas never interacted with childrenNervous around childrenEnjoys attentionAre children regularly in your house with your dog? * Required Yes No What are the ages of children who are regularly in the house with your dog? * Required What animals has your dog lived with? * Required No other animals Dogs (Male) Dogs (Female) Dogs (Male and Female) Cats (Male) Cats (Female) Cats (Male and Female) Other Please share other species of animals your dog has lived with. * Required Your Pet's BehaviourHow does your dog react to familiar people? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to familiar men? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to familiar women? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to familiar children? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to new people? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to new men? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to new women? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to new children? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to familiar dogs? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to familiar cats? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to familiar small domestic animals? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to new dogs? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to new cats? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveHow does your dog react to new small domestic animals? * RequiredNever encounteredFriendlyAfraidShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNone of the aboveDoes your dog try to chase any of the following? * Required Joggers Cyclists Skateboarders Roller bladers Cars Motorcycles Squirrels Outdoor cats Children Dogs Other None of the above What does your dog try to chase? * Required When playing, does your dog: * Required Jump Growl Bark Grab clothing Bite lightly Bite hard None of the above Is there anything your dog is afraid of? * RequiredWhat best describes your dog's personality? * Required Friendly Shy Independent Fearful Anxious Sensitive Confident Aloof Playful Aggressive Lethargic Affectionate Excitable How many times do you take your dog for a walk each day? * RequiredHow many hours total does your dog go for a walk each day? * RequiredDo you exercise your dog in any other way? * Required Dog Park Doggy Daycare Swimming Other How else do you exercise your dog? * RequiredWhat training methods do you use? * Required None Punishment Positive Reinforcement Professional Help How does your dog usually react to being hugged? * RequiredNever triedEnjoysAllowsAfraidPuppy mouthing (lightly biting)Shows teeth/growlsSnapsBites hardNo reactionHow does your dog usually react to being bathed? * RequiredNever triedEnjoysAllowsAfraidPuppy mouthing (lightly biting)Shows teeth/growlsSnapsBites hardNo reactionHow does your dog usually react to being brushed? * RequiredNever triedEnjoysAllowsAfraidPuppy mouthing (lightly biting)Shows teeth/growlsSnapsBites hardNo reactionHow does your dog usually react to having their paws wiped? * RequiredNever triedEnjoysAllowsAfraidPuppy mouthing (lightly biting)Shows teeth/growlsSnapsBites hardNo reactionHow does your dog usually react to having their nails trimmed? * RequiredNever triedEnjoysAllowsAfraidPuppy mouthing (lightly biting)Shows teeth/growlsSnapsBites hardNo reactionHow does your dog usually react to visiting the veterinarian? * RequiredNever triedEnjoysAllowsAfraidPuppy mouthing (lightly biting)Shows teeth/growlsSnapsBites hardNo reactionHow does your dog usually react to visiting the groomer? * RequiredNever triedEnjoysAllowsAfraidPuppy mouthing (lightly biting)Shows teeth/growlsSnapsBites hardNo reactionDoes your dog urinate and defecate outside? * Required Yes No, they are paper trained No Does your dog urinate or defecate in the house? * Required Yes No How often? * Required Daily Once or twice a week Once or twice a month Is it only urination or defecation? * Required Urination only Defecation only Both Does it only happen when they are home alone? * Required Yes No How long is your dog left alone each day? * Required Never One (1) to three (3) hours Four (4) to eight (8) hours Nine (9) to twelve (12) hours More than twelve (12) hours Where is your dog when they are left alone? * Required Outdoors Free in the house Confined to a room In a crate My dog is never alone When alone, does your dog show any of these behaviours? * Required Whining Foams at the mouth Shakes and trembles Barking Urinates Excessive scratching Howling Defecates Damages personal items Panic screams Vomits Damages furniture Self mutilates (chews/bites at self) Injures themselves attempting to escape Chews at windows/doors None of the above How long has your dog been showing the behaviour? * Required Did any changes happen around the time the behaviour started? * Required Changed work schedule Family vacation Divorce New baby Children back at school New pet Moved or changed living arrangements Renovations Other There were no changes What change happened when the behaviour started? * Required Have you tried to crate train your dog? * Required Yes, successfully Yes, unsuccessfully No Have you taken any steps to change your dog's behaviour? * Required Basic obedience training Dog walker Punishment Private training or consultation Doggie Daycare Confinement Book or internet research Consultation with veterinarian Baby gate Video/audio monitoring Medication Other None What steps have you taken to change your dog's behaviour? * RequiredWhich method helped your dog the most and which method helped the least?Can your dog stay outside in your yard without anxiety? * Required Yes No I don't know Has your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house petting them or touching their food bowl while eating? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house petting them or touching their bone, rawhide, pig's ear or other treat? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house petting or touching them while your dog has a stolen food item? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house petting or touching them while your dog has a stolen object? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house petting or touching them while your dog has a toy? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house petting or touching them while your dog is sleeping? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house pushing or pulling your dog off of furniture? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a family member in the house approaching your dog while they are next to another family member? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a stranger approaching a family member? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a stranger approaching the yard or house? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a stranger entering the house? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a stranger approaching a vehicle your dog is in? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a dog or cat approaching any resource (food, bone, bed, etc.)? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a dog or cat approaching a family member? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever been aggressive towards a dog or cat approaching the yard or house? * RequiredNo aggressionShows teeth/growlsSnapsBitesNever triedHas your dog ever had an aggressive response towards a person? * Required Yes No What is their aggressive response? * Required Barking Growling Lunging Snapping/Biting Has your dog shown aggressive behaviour more than once? * Required Yes No How often does your dog show aggressive behaviour? * Required A couple times Monthly Weekly Daily Multiple times each day Does your dog react this way towards all unfamiliar people in any setting? * Required Yes No Does your dog require management/confinement around unfamiliar people? * Required Yes No Please describe the confinement or management: * RequiredHow long does your dog take to warm up to unfamiliar people? * Required Has your dog ever bitten or nipped a person? * Required Yes No How many times has your dog bitten or nipped a person? * RequiredHas your dog ever had an aggressive response towards a dog? * Required Yes No What is their aggressive response? * Required Barking Growling Lunging Snapping/Biting Does your dog show aggression to other dogs while on and off leash? * Required Yes No Does your dog react this way towards all dogs/in all settings? * Required Yes No Has your dog shown aggression more than once? * Required Yes No How often has your dog shown aggression? * Required A couple times Monthly Weekly Daily Multiple times every day Has your dog ever been in a fight with another dog? * Required Yes No Where did the fight happen and did your dog start the fight? * Required Has your dog been in more than one fight? * Required Yes No How many fights has your dog been in? * RequiredDoes your dog require management/confinement around other dogs? * Required Yes No Please describe the confinement or management needed: * RequiredHas your dog ever bitten or nipped another dog? * Required Yes No How many times has your dog bitten or nipped another dog? * RequiredI understand that some animals have medical or behaviour issues that make them difficult or impossible to rehome, and the OHS will not adopt out any animal believed to be a public safety risk. Additionally, some animals become highly stressed in a shelter environment, which makes them more susceptible to illness and, despite aggressive veterinary treatment, unlikely to recover from such illness. The OHS will not keep an animal in a state of suffering when their prognosis is poor or when the OHS lacks the resources to restore the animal’s health. I understand that these animals will be humanely euthanized by caring, professional staff. The OHS does not humanely euthanize healthy, adoptable animals regardless of length of stay or lack of space. * Required I agree I understand that I will need to provide proof of ownership for the animal being surrendered, such as City of Ottawa registration, a bill of sale, a receipt from my veterinary clinic, or photos. * Required I agree I understand that I will need to provide a piece of photo identification for myself at the surrender appointment. * Required I agree Is there any additional information you would like to share about your pet?If possible, please provide your pet's veterinary records.Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 8 MB.If possible, please provide a photo of your pet. (JPEG format)Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 8 MB.UntitledFirst ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird Choice Δ