October 14, 2021
Remembering Those Who Remembered the Animals
Over the 133 years since its founding, the Ottawa Humane Society has accumulated a large archive to remember our history. Our most precious artifact is the stunningly beautiful memorial book. The book contains the names of those who remembered the animals in their wills, all written in calligraphy by hand, surrounded by hand-painted drawings of all sorts of animals. The book sits in a glass box in the reception area in the shelter. When I remember, I turn a page daily.
When I began working at the OHS, the book had languished and names had not been added in over a decade. Other priorities prevailed, and the book wasn’t updated until we moved to West Hunt Club. It became a priority with the move, because it was then that the names of those who remembered the animals moved to a beautiful wall display in the then new shelter.
In order that no one would be missed, we wanted to bring the book up to the date the wall was christened.
Finding a good calligrapher in 2011 was no small feat, but we did. Finding an artist to add to the drawings was easier, as the local artist, Erin Robertson, was a high school friend of mine. The additions are seamless. This beautiful book, along with the legacy donor wall remain as lasting tributes to everyone who was kind enough to remember the animals.
Their kindness and generosity will be remembered at the OHS — beautifully and forever.
Bruce Roney
President & CEO