Luigi's Profile

Hi, I’m Luigi!

The staff at the OHS call me a Performer! Performers love being at the centre of attention and are usually excited to meet all types of people, often introducing themselves! Performers need a high amount of exercise daily, and would love a daily hike, jog, bike ride, or long session of fetch every day. To work their minds, Performers usually love the excitement of food puzzles, frozen treats, training games, and hide-and-seek!

Performers need to be integrated into the family and are usually pretty fun to take out and about for family activities – they love being where the action is! After a good day of socializing and exercising, you’ll usually find Performers flopped down next to you to enjoy some quality sleep time. If you’re looking for an active, social companion, then you’ll have lots of fun with a Performer!

I am dog reactive and will need slow introductions to other dogs to ensure I am making friends the right way!

I have some dental tartar on my teeth, and some associated gum inflammation. I will likely require a thorough oral health assessment and dental cleaning under general anesthesia within the next year.

I have flare ups in my ears that may require vet check ups and ear drops for when they get itchy.

This dog has a hygroma on his right hock (right hind limb). Hygroma’s are non-painful fluid filled swellings over bony joints typically caused by lying on hard surfaces. Most hygroma’s will resolve with time and ensuring the dog is lying on soft surfaces. If the swelling worsens or does not resolve, additional medical, or even surgical, intervention might be required. You will need to discuss this dogs condition with your veterinarian.

If you are interested in setting up an appointment to adopt me, please email a completed adopter profile found at to Please be advised that although we do offer on-the-spot adoptions, this is dependent on appointment schedules and cannot be guaranteed.

Adoption Centre visitor hours:
Tues-Fri 12pm to 7pm
Sat-Sun 11am to 5pm

Items you must have with you:

Proof of Address
Photo ID

A collar, leash and other pet supply needs can be purchased at the time of adoption as the OHS has an excellent selection of these items. All proce