January 25, 2018
While Teachers Learn, Their Students Can Learn Compassion
Remember when we were kids? There were some great things that would happen throughout the year. Summer holidays, of course, then the big exciting holidays like Christmas, Halloween and Easter. In Canada, snow days were a great and much-prayed-for surprise. But the next best things were PD days!
Now I am sure these teacher’s professional development days made — and still make — a lot of working parents scramble, but as a kid, I didn’t care. They were bonus days off school! No one thought I was supposed to learn anything on a PD day, but if I were a kid today, I could learn something important: compassion. I could have learned about animal welfare and animal care and I could have had fun doing it.
This is why the Ottawa Humane Society created our Off-Leash PD Day Camps. They are fun and they can make a genuine difference in the life of a child, and thereby, the lives of generations of animals to come.
So, while your child’s teacher is learning how to be a better teacher, how about your child learning to be a better person here at the Ottawa Humane Society?
Bruce Roney
Executive Director