Top Three Truths You NEED to know about Adoptions and Intake
Over the past six months, the phrase, “in times of great uncertainty” and its many variations have been said time and time again. While it can be tiresome to hear it so often, there is a truth in it that keeps it on the tip of everyone’s tongues and at the front of mind. It is impossible to predict what might happen in another six months, a week or even tomorrow. But despite all the uncertainty swirling around the world, there are some simple truths about adoptions and intake at the OHS that help ensure Ottawa’s homeless animals receive the care and support they need.
- The OHS will admit any pet in need. Early on in the public health crisis, to ensure resources were available to Ottawa’s neediest animals, intake was restricted to emergencies and animals in distress only. Now, with careful plans and procedures in place, through managed intake, the OHS will take in any pet.
- Adoptions are open! For some, this may not be a surprise, but adoptions are happening on an appointment basis. All adoptable animals are available on our website and appointments can be made by calling 613-725-3166 ext. 258.
- PAL is back! The Pet Adoption Location (PAL) program has started again in a small number of our pet store partners. Keep an eye out for the PAL logo the next time you’re out shopping for your Buddy or Belle, and be sure to thank the staff for helping Ottawa’s animals.
What tomorrow may bring is a mystery, but there is no question that whatever it may be, the OHS and you, our incredible volunteers, will be there for the animals. Thank you for being a hero for Ottawa’s animals — we look forward to the day we can see you on-site and out in our community volunteering for the animals again!