July 2, 2015
Ottawa Humane Society Dogs Among the Rarest of Canine Breeds
Seven years ago this month, I fell in love with an eight-week-old, black and tan bundle of fur. Maximus, Max to his friends, was available for adoption at my local humane society. He was listed as a shepherd mix. While the unknowns that come with the title of “mix” may have turned some people away, I saw only his huge, floppy ears and loving personality.
After years of being asked by passers-by on the street and at dog parks about what breed of dog he was, I decided to try out a DNA test. Two weeks after swabbing his adorable little cheeks, I received a huge surprise when I learned that he was in fact Lhasa Apso and Miniature Short Haired Daschund with a sprinkling of German shepherd! While you could have knocked me over with a feather, this explained a lot. Looking like a real life version of Scrappy Doo, he is full grown at just under 40 pounds. He has the incredible ability to stretch out slinky style across a queen-sized bed and has the picky eating style of a restaurant critic. Best of all though, he is filled to the brim with love and greets me like a fan greets his favorite rock star every time I walk through the front door. While my little Tibetan Wienershep will never be recognized by the AKC, he is more important than any Monet, Degas or Renoir. He is a masterpiece, a true one of a kind dog and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
This month at the Ottawa Humane Society, we invite you to find your priceless work of art as we shine a light on the incredible uniqueness of all our amazing dogs. Additionally, with every adoption you will be entered to win a grand prize of two tickets to the National Gallery, a $50 gift certificate for PLAY Food and Wine, a Wisdom Panel DNA kit and seven Crazy Beautiful collars. So whether you find your Shaggy English Snugterrier or your Pink-nose Spotted Waterdoodle, you will find that the truly rare, one-of-a-kind dogs humbly go by mix, mutt and Heinz 57.
Sarah Oswald
Manager: Admissions and Rehoming