Lucky's Profile

Hi, I’m Lucky!

Hey there, I’m Lucky, the 3-year-old slender pup with eyes that can melt your heart. If you catch a glimpse of me through the window, I might offer a woof or two, it’s just my way of letting you know that you’re on the wrong side of the glass! Eager to share my love and companionship with the right person, I’m ready to bring joy and warmth into your life.

The staff at the OHS call me a Bashful Buddy. Bashful Buddies are known for their slow starts in both exercise and relationships. Because of this, they tend to enjoy a predictable environment, a calm home, and consistent routine, and they really benefit from having someone that pays attention to their needs when they’re feeling uncomfortable. While they can take a little extra time to adjust to changes, once they settle in it will feel like they’ve always belonged! Bashful Buddies tend to need a modest amount of exercise and usually enjoy leisurely strolls around their neighbourhood and play sessions at home. Other activities that they may enjoy include work-to-eat games like food puzzles, training games, and searching out hidden treats. If you’re looking for a companion to share your quiet lifestyle with, consider a Bashful Buddy!

Bashful Buddies can have different ways of expressing themselves and it might take a little while to figure out their unique preferences. Once comfortable, some Bashful Buddies will enjoy lots of affection, while others may prefer less-interactive companionship. Taking time to find out your Bashful Buddies true personality will help you create positive interactions to help form a solid relationship.

I am looking for an adult only home!

I am reactive towards other dogs and can only be introduced to new dogs very slowly. I don’t appreciate new dogs in my space and may bark, lunge and pull on leash when encountering a new dog without a proper introduction.

If you are interested in setting up an appointment to adopt me, please email a completed adopter profile found at to Please be advised that although we do offer on-the-spot adoptions, this is dependent on appointment schedules and cannot be guaranteed.

Adoption Centre visitor hours:
Tues-Fri 12pm to 7pm
Sat-Sun 11am to 5pm

Items you must have with you:

Proof of Address
Photo ID <